Sunday, 22 November 2015

How to live a healthy life

Ever wondered about changing your life for the better? Maybe you're interested in losing weight, being more active or just feeling healthier. To live a healthier life you'll most likely need to make some adjustments in a wide variety of areas. Being "healthy" is based on many things including: your genetics, diet, exercise routine and lifestyle choices. Since you cannot control your genes, making changes to items you have control over can help lead to a healthier lifestyle. Focus on making small changes to your diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors to help make you healthier.
1.Preparing for Healthier Life:

i. Make an appointment with your doctors. One key to improving your health and maintaining it is regular doctor visits. These health professionals will help support your desire for a healthier life. They'll also be able to tell you if you need to start or stop anything in order to have a healthier life.
Visit your primary care physician. Talk to them about your current health condition and if there is anything they'd recommend to help you life a healthier life.
Also visit your dentist. It's typically recommended to go twice a year just for a check up.[1] This is another important doctors visit you shouldn't overlook.
Visit any other doctors you may need. For example: OB/GYN, allergist or endocrinologist.
ii.Take some measurements. There are a few ways to check on your health status without a doctor. Measuring your weight and overall size can give you some insight into whether or not your body is healthy as well.
Weigh yourself. Note your weight and compare it with national standards for ideal body weight. This will tell you if you're close to a healthy weight or should consider weight loss.
Measure your waist circumference. Another way to interpret your weight and health is by measuring your waist circumference. A large waist may mean you have a high amount of visceral fat which could be dangerous to your health.[2] Men should have a waist circumference less than 40" and women should be less than 35".[3]
Also figure out your BMI with an online calculator. Again, this is just an additional method of letting you know whether or not you're at a healthy weight.
If many of these measurements are too high and you feel you might be overweight or carrying too much weight, this can be a part of your life you work on so you can be healthier.
iii.Start a journal. Keeping a journal is a great way to start your healthier life. You can take notes, write goals, track your goals and even keep a food journal. These items will help you figure out what you need to do and motivate you to meet those goals.
You might first want to start taking some notes on any information you get from your doctors or track your weight, BMI or waist circumference.
Also jot down notes about what goals you have and how you think you're going to live a healthier life. It'll take some brainstorming and thinking about all the different aspects of your life you want to change to be healthier.[4]
Take notes on your food choices in your journal as well. Studies show that those who journal their food regularly stay on track with new diet patterns for longer time
iv.Build a support group. A support group is a great part of a healthier lifestyle. They not only can provide support for your goals but also are a support to your mental and emotional well being.[5]
A big part of a healthier life that often gets overlooked is your mental and emotional health. A support group doesn't have to just be there to cheer you on, but be a good friend.
Ask friends, family members or co-workers to join you on certain goals. Maybe others want to lose weight, eat healthier or exercise more.
Studies show that those people who have a support group are morel likely to meet their long-term goals.

2. Making Healthier Diet Choices:

i. Write up a meal plan. When you're trying to live a healthier life, your diet may be one thing you want to change. Writing up a new meal plan for yourself can help give you the guidelines you need to eat healthy all week long.[6]
A meal plan is your blueprint for each meal, snack and beverage throughout the week.
This plan can also allow you to see and plan each of your choices. You can feel confident that what you're eating each day meets your new healthier life.
To start your meal plan, get a pen and paper and write out each day of the week. Write down all your meals, snacks and drinks.
Writing a meal plan can also help you have a more organized grocery list.
ii. Eat mindfully. Mindful eating is a way of eating that helps you bring more attention and focus to how you eat. Mindful eating is important to a healthier life as it helps you enjoy eating.[8]
People who eat mindfully typically eat less, have an easier time losing weight and get more satisfaction out of their meals.[9]
Eating mindfully involves a variety of things. To start, turn off all electronics (like your phone or TV) and remove any other distractions. You need to be able to fully focus on your meal.
When you're eating pay attention to how your food looks, how it tastes, the textures and temperatures. Really concentrate on each bite.
Also take at least 20-30 minutes to eat your meal. When you take your time with your meal, you may end up eating less and enjoy your meal more.
iii. Maintain a balanced diet. A well-balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Eating well is important to help you live a healthier life.[10]
When you eat a well-balanced diet you're able to consume all the recommended nutrients your body needs. Your less at risk for nutrient deficiencies and other side effects of a poor quality diet.[11] You will feel and be healthier.
A well-balanced diet is one that includes all 5 food groups each day. In addition, its a diet that features a wide variety of food. Don't eat the same few foods each day. This limits your ability to eat a wide variety of nutrients.
Also make sure you're eating the appropriate portion sizes of foods. For example, stick to: 3-4 oz of protein[12], 1/2 cup of grains[13], 1/2 cup of fruit or 1 small piece[14] and 1 cup of vegetables/2 cups of leafy greens[15]. These are serving sizes per meal.
iv. Drink more water. Make a conscious effort to drink more water. Being adequately hydrated is essential to living a healthier life.
When you're dehydrated you may experience a variety of side effects that may not only affect your health, but how you're feeling as well.
When you're dehydrated you may have chronic headaches, fatigue and afternoon fogginess.[16]
Aim for about 8-13 glasses of clear, hydrating fluids each day. This amount will vary based upon your age, gender and activity level.[17]
Drinks that can count towards water include: water, flavored waters, decaf coffee and decaf tea.
v. Limit alcohol. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to weight gain or a weight stall and also have negative effects of your overall health.
Health professionals typically recommend that women consume no more than 1 alcoholic beverage daily and men consume no more than 2 alcoholic beverages daily.[18]
Limit these even further than the recommendations to help support your desire to lose weight and be more slim. Alcohol provides only calories, no nutrition.
Typically one serving of alcohol is 4 oz of wine, 2 oz of liquor or 1 beer.
vi. Take a supplement. Many times your diet is not always the healthiest or you might be a picky eater or have allergies. When your diet is limited, you may need to rely on a supplement to help you get enough vital nutrients for your body.
Taking a daily multivitamin is a good idea for most healthy people. This can be a "back up plan" when your diet doesn't meet your daily needs.[20]
You may also want to consider taking calcium (especially for women), iron (for women who are menstruating), or B12 (for those who are vegan or vegetarian).[21]

Remember, vitamins are there as a back up. They shouldn't be used to in place of foods. You should always aim to get as much of your nutrition from foods as possible.

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